Photo credit: WAC 23, Sinwah Lai, Ώρες Θεραπείας, Ψαράδες, Πρέσπες, φωτογραφία: Έφη Μανώλη.

Walking with and as communities

Actions in the public space allows artists, with their cross-disciplinary tools and methods, to map our living world in an alternative way, engage in relation, forging significant links with community, making them active agents for change. 

In WALC the artists do not come to present “a product”, they do not come to put on a show or to show a finished work, outcomes of objectified art but they are involved with the people of the territories and with its walkers, to deploy a process of shared creation. 

Walking with and as communities are made of groups of people who come together around a common goal or cause and who, together, walk towards transformation.

Guided by a collective and cooperative praxis, emphasizing collaborative group processes, essential to walking arts, WALC seeks alternatives to the individual authorship challenged by the digital era, exploring parallel pathways for sharing ideas and creativity. 

The goal is to create an inclusive and open creation space for joint visioning and decision-making with the participants and communities as equal partners in the co-creation ecosystem, offline and online. 

Amid the urgency of contemporary challenges, co-creation through walking practices acknowledges that no single entity can provide all the answers alone. By tapping into communal and collective intelligence and aspiring towards collective knowledge, co-creation becomes a source of hope in addressing the complex and urgent issues of our time.

Photo credit: WAC 23, Κλίτσα Αντωνίου, Βιοδείκτες, Άγιος Αχίλλειος, Πρέσπες, φωτογραφία: Φίλιππος Καλαμάρας.