Prespa International Walking Art Center, with a central HUB in Prespa, with the partner HUBs in Portugal, Spain, France and Belgium, and integrating NODES in other European countries and globally, is introducing an innovative walking art community-based venue, backed by a digital ecosystem, an online community and an online archive for walking arts. Prespa International Walking Art Center is introducing an innovative walking art community-based venue.

Prespa International Walking Art Center, one of the main aims of WALC, is an ongoing project that will establish Prespa as a community of walking artists that will be gathering in the area to work on issues related to walking arts. An actual and digital archive will be created that will record the artistic, scientific, and social outcomes of the effort. The Prespa International Walking Art Center will not be an art venue detached from the local communities, on the contrary, it will be working hand in hand with the local communities to benefit from the local character and traditions and contribute to their sustainability. WALC will enrich with its outcome the potential of Prespa International Walking Art Center adding to it the international experience from its implementation.

Prespa International Walking Art Center, one of the main aims of WALC, is an ongoing project that will establish Prespa as a larger community of walking artists who will be bringing their imagination and creativity to the territory. An actual and digital archive will be created that will record the artistic, scientific, and social outcomes of the effort. The Prespa International Walking Art Center will be working hand in hand with the local communities and contribute to their sustainability. WALC will enhance the Prespa International Walking Art Center by adding international experience from its implementation.

Photo credit: WAC 23, Αννίτα Κουτσονάνου, Ελένη Μοσχοβάκη, Αλλάζοντας το φυλάκιο στο Περβάλι, Περβάλι, Πρέσπες, φωτογραφία: Michal Jurys.

Photo credit: WAC 23, Kate Randall, Ονειρευόμενη το να Υπάρχεις, Ψαράδες, Πρέσπες, φωτογραφία: Γιάννης Ζιώγας.

Photo credit: WAC 23, Sinwah Lai, Ώρες Θεραπείας, Ψαράδες, Πρέσπες, φωτογραφία: Έφη Μανώλη.