University of Minho, Portugal


A research group on walking practices seeking to transfer and share experiences and knowledge resulting from artistic practices, within and artistic higher education school in architecture, visual arts and design, and a research center with an international dimension dedicated to the study of territory, landscape and heritage Lab2PT. Its fundamental concern is based on the awareness of artists and young artists to carry out artistic practices related to walking, as well as their dissemination through events, namely conferences and workshops. Their expertise and contribution to the project situates itself in the relation between art and education in an outdoors environment, in relation with the landscape and in an ecological/rural perspective.

Next to this Lab2PT have integrated and integrate in their activities a close collaboration with the local community and municipality. Since its foundation in 2018 walking has been included in the curriculum of the art and architecture school as an educational and artistic instrument. UMinho’s main role will be the organization of 4 events/workshops/residencies “The Walking Body” in Guimaraes and work package leading of dissemination and evaluation.