Walk, Listen, Create, Belgium


Active since 2019 the activities of this cultural non profit, based in Belgium, are integrated in an online community for all interested in walking arts and soundwalking, via an online, collaborative webportal, and a crowdsourced database of work, projects, and events. WLC promotes walking arts, and hosts regular online meet ups and talks, events, and collaborative projects. The network of participants comprises almost 2000 contributing artists, with over 2500 subscribers to their weekly newsletter. Since 2019, WLC has organized the yearly Sound Walk September (SWS), a crowdsourced international festival for listening and walking, with participants from all continents, and activities in dozens of countries, culminating in the Sound Walk September Awards. It organizes monthly online Walk Listen Cafes, extended in this project with WALC Cafes and the first ever yearly global walking art awards; the Marŝarto Awards. WLC partnered with the walking arts encounters/conferences Drifting Bodies/Fluid Spaces in Guimaraes in 2020 (UMinho), in the walking arts encounters/conference Walking as a Question in Prespa (Greece) in 2021 and 2023 (UOWM), and in the walking arts encounters/conference Relational Geographies and Walking Arts in Catalonia in 2022 and 2024 (Nau Coclea). WLC’s role will be to assist UOWM, and Action Synergy in project coordination. WLC will be responsible for the general artistic coordination, the management and realization of the online platform, online events and the online parts of the project.