Temps Reel, France


Established in a rural environment, Temps Reel (Gigacircus) is a laboratory of artistic creation and mainly digital practices working explicitly with refugees and migrants about nomadism and art. As the artist collective Gigacircus it brings together a network of cultural actors, a rural public, asylum seekers and international artists. It is a meeting place, place of residence and workshop for interdisciplinary artistic productions.

Temps Reel is a pioneer in digital practices and new technologies for art practices with a social and ecological dimension. The association allows audio-visual production and broadcasting, has a collection of musical instruments and visual arts materials.. Coming from a digital culture and technology background, it is the place of anchoring an artistic, global, inclusive approach, generating actions and relational artistic content. The artistic material created at Temps Reel is the result of exchanges between all people from migration or not, united by the desire to reinvent the territories of art and the languages of humanity. We put our digital and artistic skills at the service of the Human”, discovering together the difficulties of migratory journeys and exile, with the asylum seekers welcomed in our region. Temps Reel is assisting WLC with the online platform, taking a leading role in the artistic collaborative online projects, organizing a collaborative artistic digital project and online training. It will organize 4 residencies with local refugee artists.