Grand Tour, from 2024 to 2026, a yearly three-week art walk of about 300 kilometers, it is open to the public. The participants walk together with resident artists of all disciplines. It is organized by Nau Coclea. Every day participants walk about 15km with artists that have different proposals to share with the walkers. In the destinations local people join.

People look, listen, read, hear and participate: poetry, dance, installations, performances, music and they explore the territory together with local communities. Grand Tour focuses on small villages and lowly populated areas, bringing international artists, art and culture to places that are not easily accessible and stimulating dialogues between local and international communities.

The walk is open in all formats: people can walk all the journey or some days only. Grand Tour has been organised since 2015 and has about 100 walking participants each year, next to local public and communities. Since 2022 Grand Tour follows a new methodology, rehearsed since 2020: the artists do not come to present “a product”, they do not come to put on a show or to show a finished work, but they spend time with the people of the villages and with the walkers to deploy a process of shared creation. Much more than a workshop, it is a common creative space.