Bi-monthly free “Confluence events” ( are online meetings in which project partners come together to present how the aspect of the project for which they are responsible is progressing. The first 30 minutes of these hour-long online events are presentations and discussion between the WALC partners. The second 30 minutes provides an opportunity of the Confluence host partner to invite a walking artist to present their work. The whole event is published in our publicly accessible video archive.

WALC Confluence 1 hosted by Gigacircus with guest, Mohamed-Nour Wana
The co-funded EU Walking Arts and Local Communities project offers an opportunity for public scrutiny of the project, by running bi-monthly free “Confluence events”, in which project partners come together to present how the aspect of the project for which they are responsible is progressing.
The first 30 minutes of these hour-long online events, will be presentations and discussion between the WALC partners. The second 30 minutes provides an opportunity of the Confluence host partner to invite a walking artist to present their work.
WALC Confluence 1 is hosted by Sylvie Marchand (FR) and Fred Adam (FR/ES) of GigaCircus, and their French-speaking guest artist is Mohamed-Nour Wana (CHAD/LBYA). The second half of the Confluence will be conducted in French, with a transcript of Mohammed’s presentation made available in English.
Arriving in Paris in 2016, Mohamed-Nour completed a diploma in inter-cultural mediation at INALCO in Paris and he has been a member of the Atelier des Artistes en Exil since 2017.
Long faced with answering questions about ethnic, cultural, linguistic and geographic identity that cause thousands of people to flee their homes, he wrote and published a book about his experiences and those of fellow refugees.

Le projet cofinancé par l’UE Walking Arts and Local Communities offre l’opportunité d’un examen public du projet, en organisant des « événements Confluence » bimensuels gratuits, au cours desquels les partenaires du projet se réunissent pour présenter l’avancée de leur projet.
Les 30 premières minutes de ces événements en ligne d’une heure seront des présentations et des discussions entre les partenaires WALC. La deuxième demi-heure est l’occasion pour le partenaire hôte de Confluence d’inviter un artiste à présenter son travail.
WALC Confluence 1 est animé par Sylvie Marchand (FR) et Fred Adam (FR/ES) de Gigacircus, et leur artiste invité francophone est Mohamed-Nour Wana (CHAD/LBYA). La seconde moitié de la Confluence se déroulera en français, avec une transcription de la présentation de Mohammed disponible en anglais.
Arrivé à Paris en 2016, Mohammed-Nour a obtenu un diplôme en médiation interculturelle à l’INALCO à Paris.Il est membre de l’Atelier des Artistes en Exil depuis 2017.
Longtemps confronté à des questions sur l’identité ethnique, culturelle, linguistique et géographique qui poussent des milliers de personnes à fuir leur foyer, il a écrit et publié un livre sur son expérience et celles de ses camarades réfugiés.
When booking your ticket, take a moment to bring your walk · listen · create profile is up to date, or add a bio to create one if you haven’t already. To keep up to date with the Walking Arts and Local Communities over its four year duration, make sure you are subscribing to the weekly walk · listen · create newsletter.
Thanks to the EU Creative Europe Cooperation grant this is a free event – when booking your ticket, take a moment to bring your walk · listen · create profile is up to date, or add a bio to create one if you haven’t already. To keep up to date with the Walking Arts and Local Communities over its four year duration, make sure you are subscribing to the weekly walk · listen · create newsletter.

Confluence 2 hosted by Nau Côclea
The co-funded EU Walking Arts and Local Communities project offers an opportunity for public scrutiny of the project, by running bi-monthly free “Confluence events”, in which project partners come together to present how the aspect of the project for which they are responsible is progressing.
The first 30 minutes of these hour-long online events, will be presentations and discussion between the WALC partners. The second 30 minutes provides an opportunity of the Confluence host partner to invite a walking artist to present their work.
WALC Confluence 2 is hosted by Clara Gari from Nau Côclea
Do you like to travel on foot? Grand Tour is a 250km walk with poets, dancers, storytellers, visual artists and musicians. 21 days across beautiful landscape and hidden places in Catalonia, it is a shared celebration and this year, you can be part of it.
Learn from previous Grand Tourists what such an adventure entails: Pau Catà, a researcher studying cabinets of curiosities, artist residencies and artists communities, Zoe Balasch, a dancer, Tamsin Grainger sound walk composer, and Anna Piatou a photo-performer.
Come and share with us what we are planning for Grand Tour 2024 in August. The trip will start in the Pyrenees and end in Barcelona, where travellers will enter the city by a most unexpected place.

When booking your ticket, take a moment to bring your walk · listen · create profile is up to date, or add a bio to create one if you haven’t already. To keep up to date with the Walking Arts and Local Communities over its four year duration, make sure you are subscribing to the weekly walk · listen · create newsletter.

WALC Confluence 3 hosted by Gigacircus with guest, Gustavo Alvarez
WALC Confluence 3 is hosted by Sylvie Marchand (FR) and Lionel Camburet (FR) of Gigacircus, and their guest artist is Gustavo Alvarez.
The Gigacircus French Art collective will introduce the artist, walker and performer Gustavo Alvarez with whom they collaborated in several projects. Gustavo Alvarez plays with broken silences, using the performance as a ritual space (liminal space). Spectators are confronted with situations generated in the action, Gustavo is always encouraging them to participate directly in the action, proposing a joint creation, creating an atmosphere with the permission and participation of those involved in the performance; managing to create what Hakim Bey calls “Temporary Autonomous Zones”, in which the conventional rules of exchange and etiquette are at least questioned or completely abolished.
Sylvie Marchand writes: “I am very happy and over proud to introduce you to a Grand Mexican artist. Gustavo Alvarez, a performer and an anthropologist, is at the heart of great number of collective events and meetings, stimulating artists to resist and go beyond their passion!”
- Continent Rouge, Dispositif immersif connecté à un parcours sonore
- Voz Lactea, Rencontre artistique internationales autour de la langue maternelle
- Danzar o Morir, public space, installation
- Cantar o morir, Film, sur la force des rituels Raramuris
When booking your ticket, take a moment to bring your walk · listen · create profile is up to date, or add a bio to create one if you haven’t already. To keep up to date with the Walking Arts and Local Communities over its four year duration, make sure you are subscribing to the weekly walk · listen · create newsletter.
The co-funded EU Walking Arts and Local Communities (WALC) project offers an opportunity for public scrutiny of the project, by running bi-monthly free “Confluence events”, in which project partners come together to present how the aspect of the project for which they are responsible is progressing.
The first 30 minutes of these hour-long online events, will be presentations and discussion between the WALC partners. The second 30 minutes provides an opportunity of the Confluence host partner to invite a walking artist to present their work.

WALC Confluence 4 hosted by Nau Côclea featuring Grand Tour 2024, the year that we entered Barcelona
2024 marked the tenth Grand Tour journey: a 300-kilometre walk comprising artists from all disciplines, in all
32 people walked from Puigcerdà in the Catalan Pyrenees to Barcelona. Along the way they were welcomed at Contemporary Art centres including Konvent.0, as well as by local shepherds, Dirk and Mireia from Can Ginebreda, and forest caretaker Pep Picarrocs. They visited SiteSize an artist collective that work in the metropolitan area who have been collecting the memories of immigrants from the 1950s and 1960s who built the Barcelona of today.
The impact of the Grand Tour goes far beyond what its participants bring or create on the way, as it inspires and is inspired by local communities and the landscape through which it passes.
Grand Tour is an experience of walking, of living together and of contact with local people, in which Art has a place that prioritises participation over excellence. There is a place for everyone to create, to talk, to reflect, to dream, building a nomadic library, creating musical compositions, while leaving a record of their life together.
The artists Anna Piatou (Greece) and Alba Sauleda (Catalonia) who have received the Grand Tour 2024 residency grant will present their work-in-progress. Anna on historical memory, repression and border conflicts and Alba on oneiric realities as a foundation for new forms of living together.
NOTE: Some presentations will be made in Spanish, and where possible we will provide English translation.
When booking your ticket, take a moment to bring your walk · listen · create profile is up to date, or add a bio to create one if you haven’t already. To keep up to date with the Walking Arts and Local Communities over its four year duration, make sure you are subscribing to the weekly walk · listen · create newsletter.
The co-funded EU Walking Arts and Local Communities (WALC) project offers an opportunity for public scrutiny of the project, by running bi-monthly free “Confluence events”, in which project partners come together to present how the aspect of the project for which they are responsible is progressing.
This hour-long online event is hosted by Clara Gari from Nau Côclea, will start with a discussion between the WALC partners and include a progress report presented by Geert Vermeire and Yannis Ziogas (if reception permits), the second part will be a presentation of Grand Tour.