Photo credit: Anna Piatou, Ephemeral memorials, photo Maria Sideri

WALC project’s general objective is to establish an international Center for Artistic Research and  Practice of Walking Art, with a central HUB in Prespa (Greece), and with related HUBs in the regions of  the project partners, but also stretching out to external collaboration with NODES in other European countries (via an  open call). WALC will be backed by a digital and online platform and a digital archive/database for walking arts. Five of the WALC project partners are situated in rural and natural environments of great ecological value. Ecological and natural principles weigh heavily in the creative processes of WALC.

All project partners have a solid background in organizing artistic events relating to walking art and landscape. As separate cultural actors they organized during the last decade a series of encounters, conferences, seminars, workshops, residencies about walking arts. The Creative Europe grant will allow the partners to build and maintain a European wide network of collaboration, exchange of practices and expertise and of mutually intersecting events. This transnational collaboration would not be possible without the grant. With the grant it will be possible for the partners to collaborate in a sustainable way, within this project and with the intention to continue this collaboration beyond the project period and expanding to new partners.