Visual March to Prespes

School of Fine Arts – University of Western Macedonia


The University of Western Macedonia’s Department of Fine and Applied Art fosters and promotes knowledge in painting, sculpture and applied arts, such as photography – video, and digital art forms. The School of Fine Arts is located in Florina and in the village, Psarades in the heart of the natural park of Prespes,with laboratories and exhibition spaces. Since 2007 the School of Arts has realized the art and research project “Visual March to Prespa”, in the area of Prespa lakes, Western Macedonia, Greece, organized on a yearly basis with visual art activities that explore the landscape, the culture, and the ecological dimension of the area. At the same time the Visual March to Prespes aims to establish a network of exchange between the instructors and the students of the Department of Visual and Applied Arts, the local community, and the broader Greek, Balkan and international community.

Two International Encounters/Conferences, Walking Practices/Walking Art/Walking Bodies (2019). “Walking as a Question” (2021) and “Walking Visions” (2023) were recently organized by UOWM in Prespa. Artists and theoreticians from 25 countries and representing 40 institutions for all continents contributed. In its overall 15 year implementation of Visual March to Prespa, 3453 artists, scholars, students and lovers of art introduced Prespes as a place of international cultural exchange. UOWM’s role will be general project management, organization of the 2 central encounters, the final exhibition, video documentary and publication and work package leading of project management and encounters.